:paths ["src"]
:deps {org.clojure/clojure {:mvn/version "1.10.3"}
org.clojure/clojurescript {:mvn/version "1.10.844"}}
:mvn/repos {"central" {:url "https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/"}
"clojars" {:url "https://repo.clojars.org/"}}
:aliases {:watch {:main-opts ["-m" "shadow.cljs.devtools.cli" "watch" ":app"]
:extra-deps {thheller/shadow-cljs {:mvn/version "2.12.5"}}}
:run-server {:main-opts ["-m" "cljs-webshop.core"]}}
:deps true
:nrepl {:port 8777}
:builds {:app {:target :browser
:modules {:base {:init-fn cljs-webshop.core/init}}
:output-dir "resources/public/js/compiled"
:asset-path "/js/compiled"}}
1 | Event dispatch | Sending events |
2 | Event handling | Take actions |
3 | Effect handling | Sideeffects where data are actions |
4 | Query | Extracting data from 'app state' |
5 | View | Render UI |
6 | Dom | Done by Reagent/React |
(defn delete-button [item-id]
:on-click #(re-frame.core/dispatch [:delete-item item-id])])
(re-frame.core/reg-event-fx ;; a part of the re-frame API
:delete-item ;; the kind of event
del-item) ;; the handler function for this kind of event
(defn del-item
[coeffects event] ;; `coeffects` holds the current state of the world
(let [item-id (second event) ;; extract id from event vector
db (:db coeffects) ;; extract the current application state
new-db (dissoc-in db [:items item-id])] ;; new app state
{:db new-db})) ;; a map of the necessary effects
(re-frame.core/reg-fx ;; part of the re-frame API
:db ;; the effects key
(fn [val] ;; the handler function for the effect
(reset! app-db val))) ;; put the new value into the ratom app-db
(defn query-items
[db v] ;; db is the current value in app-db, v the query vector
(:items db)) ;; not much of a materialised view
(re-frame.core/reg-sub ;; part of the re-frame API
:query-items ;; query id
query-fn) ;; function to perform the query
(defn items-view
(let [items (subscribe [:query-items])] ;; source items from app state
[:div (map item-render @items)])) ;; assume item-render already written